An order of placental carnivorous mammals containing over 260 species. All have a characteristic skull shape and their dentition includes prominent canines and carnassials.
The order includes species as diverse as the carnivorous dogs (fam. Canidae) and cats, the omnivorous bears, foxes and raccoons, the vegetarian giant panda and the aquatic seals (sub-order Pinnipedia, placed by some authorities in a seperate order although usually included in the Carnivora).
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order Carnivora |
| suborder Fissipedia |
| | family Canidae |
| | | The dogs and their allies, consisting of 35 species in 10 genera. |
| | family Procyonidae |
| | | The raccoons and their allies, consisting of 19 species in 7 genera. |
| | family Ursidae |
| | | The bears, consisting of 8 species in 5 genera. |
| | family Mustelidae |
| | | The weasels, badgers, ferrets and otters, consisting of 55 species in 24 genera. |
| | family Mephitidae |
| | | The skunks, consisting of 10 species in 3 genera. |
| | family Felidae |
| | | The cats, consisting of 37 species in 4 genera. |
| | family Viverridae |
| | | The civets and their allies, consisting of 35 species in 20 genera. |
| | family Herpestidae |
| | | The mongooses and their allies, consisting of 35 species in 17 genera. |
| | family Hyaenidae |
| | | The hyenas and the Aardwolf, 4 species in 4 genera. |
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| suborder Pinnipedia |
| | The seals are usually included in the Carnivora although some authorities place them in a seperate order. |
| | superfamily Otarioidae |
| | | Walrus and eared seals. |
| | | family Otariidae |
| | | | The eared seals, comprising 14 species in 7 genera. |
| | | family Odobenidae |
| | | | The Walrus. |
| | superfamily Phocoidae |
| | | The true seals. |
| | | family Phocidae |
| | | | The True Seals, consisting of 19 species in 10 genera. |
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