John of Gaunt
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John of Gaunt (1340-1399), 1st Duke of Lancaster, English nobleman and statesman.

John of Gaunt was the fourth and third surviving son of Edward III, Duke of Lancaster. He acquired the surname "of Gaunt" because of his birth in Ghent, Flanders.

John distinguished himself during the Hundred Years' War and became the head of the government during the last years of Edward III and the minority of Richard II causing parliament to protest about the corruption of his rule.

He married Blanche, daughter of the Duke of Lancaster in 1359 and their son became king Henry IV of England. Blanche died in 1369.

In 1372, John married Constance, the daughter of Pedro III of Castile. Their daughter Philippa married King John I of Portugal.

He assumed the title King of Castile in 1372 but could not establish his claim against Henry of Trastamare. John of Gaunt finally renounced all claims to the throne of Castile 1387 in favour of his daughter Catherine who married Henry III of Castile (1379-1406) in 1393.

Following the death of Constance in 1394, he married his mistress of long standing with whom he had already had four children, Katharine Swynford (c.1350-1403). These children were legitimized by a charter of Richard II in 1397 and founded the house of Beaufort from whom Henry VII who founded the House of Tudor was descended.

Until John of Gaunt left England to press his claim to the throne of Castile (through his second wife, Constance, the daughter of Pedro III of Castile), he protected the Lollards, particularly at Oxford.

In 1397, his eldest son Henry Bolingbroke was one of the two 'Lord's Appellant' who were exiled (for ten years) by Richard II. On the death of John of Gaunt in 1399, the king confiscated the vast Lancastrian estates which were Bolingbroke's inheritance.

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Henry IV   (1367-1413), King of England (1399-)
John's son who first served, then deposed Richard II (1377-1399)

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1340Birth of English nobleman and statesman, John of Gaunt (-1399)
1359Marriage of John of Gaunt to Blanche, daughter of the Duke of Lancaster
Their son became king Henry IV of England
1367.Apr.03Birth of Henry Bolingbroke, future Duke of Lancaster and King Henry IV to John of Gaunt (1340-1399) and Blanche at Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire
]]May 30th[[
1369Death of Blanche, first wife of John of Gaunt and dughter of the Duke of Lancaster
1372Marriage of John of Gaunt to his second wife, Constance, daughter of Pedro III of Castile
Their daughter, Philippa, married King John I of Portugal
1372John of Gaunt assumes the title King of castile
But he could not establish his claim against Henry of Trastamare
1377.Jun.21Death of King Edward III of England aged 65 - accession of 10-year-old Richard II, eldest son of Edward, the Black Prince
the country was governed by a council of regency and the state distracted by the contentions of his uncles John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and Thomas, Duke of Gloucester
1379Start of the reign of Henry III of Castile (-1406)
1381.MayThe Peasants Revolt, provoked by the poll tax and the manner in which it was collected, per capita irrespective of wealth or poverty
The Rebels started marching from Brentwood in Essex
1386Departure of John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster for Spain
1387John of Gaunt renounces his claim to the throne of Castile in favour of his daughter, Catherine
1393Catherine, daughter of John of Gaunt, marries Henry III of Castile (1379-1406)
1394Death of catherine, second wife (1372-) of John of Gaunt
John marries logn-standing mistress Katharine Swynford (c.1350-1403) with whom he already has 4 children
1397By a charter, Richard II legitimises the children of John of Gaunt by his long-standing mistress and 3rd wife (1394-), Katharine Swynford
Founding the house of Beaufort from whom Henry VII who founded the House of Tudor was descended
1399Death of the English nobleman and statesman John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster (1340-)
Richard II seized the Lancastrians lands which were the inheritance of the exiled Hereford
1399.Sep.30+Deposition of Richard II, last Plantagenet king of England, by Henry, Duke of Lancaster who ruled as Henry IV (-1413)
The imprisoned Richard was murdered, the first casualty of the Wars of the Roses
1403Death of Katharine Swynford (c.1350-), long-standing mistress and 3rd wife (1394-) of John of Gaunt

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