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Edward Seymour

Edward Seymour (1506-52), Lord Protector on Henry VIII's death and the accession of his son Edward VI, Edward elevated himself to become the Duke of Somerset.

The son of Sir John, Edward was Squire of the Body to King Henry VIII.

Edward's sister, Jane, married King Henry VIII. Edward fought in Scotland and France and, as the Earl of Hertford became a member of the council of regency which was formed on the accession of King Edward VI.

He was elected Lord Protector, won the battle of Musselburgh and reformed the church to some extent. He also tried to stop the enclosure of common lands. Edward conducted foreign affairs badly and this enabled his rival the Duke of Northumberland to secure his downfall and execution in 1552. The title was supressed.


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Henry Seymour

Lord Henry Seymour commanded the inshore squadron off the Flemish coast and watched the Duke of Parma's army waiting to embark onto the ships of the Armada - he instructed Robert Salmon to proceed with his galley to guard the mouth of the river Thames.

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Jane Seymour

The daughter of Sir John, Jane was lady in waiting to Henry VIII's first wife, Catherine of Aragon. Comming to the attention of the king at Savernake, Jane Seymour became his third queen after the execution of Anne Boleyn.

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Sir John Seymour

Sir John Seymour (d.1510) was the fourth herditary Seymour warden of Savernake Forest in Wiltshire and the third to bear the name John. He married Margaret Wentworth fathered a large family of six sons and four daughters.

His son Edward was Squire of the Body to King Henry VIII. His daughter Jane was lady in waiting to Henry's first wife, Catherine of Aragon. Comming to the attention of the king at Savernake, Jane Seymour became his third queen after the execution of Anne Boleyn.

Monument at St Mary's Parish Church, Great Bedwyn, Wiltshire

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Thomas Seymour

Thomas Seymour, Baron of Sudeley (c.1508 - 1549). Henry VIII's Lord High Admiral, elevated to Baron Seymour of Sudeley by his brother, Edward Seymour, Lord Protector, on Henry's death.

Son of Sir John and younger brother of Jane Seymour, he became the fourth husband of Katherine Parr.

A one time suitor of Princess Elizabeth, Sudeley held the position of Lord High Admiral.

His attempts to oust his brother and seize the crown earned him a traitor's death at the Tower of London where he was executed for treason in the reign of Edward VI on March 20th, 1549.

Today died a man of much wit and very little judgement.

  - Princess Elizabeth (Elizabeth I), on Seymour's execution in 1549

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1541Cricklade, Highworth and Sevenhampton granted to Sir Thomas Seymour ending some two and a half centuries of possession by the Crown
1549.Mar.20Execution of Sir Thomas Seymour at the Tower of London for treason
His execution brings disgrace upon Edward Seymour who was replaced as Lord Protector by John Dudley

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  Savernake Forest

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