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One of the earliest traces of the activity of Palaeolithic (Old Stone Age) activity in Wiltshire is the site of a flint axe 'factory' in Savernake Forest to the southeast of Marlborough. The area of the pit appears to have been used for a period of about 190,000 years - the long use leading to the accumulation of a large number tools and discarded flakes of flint.

The name 'factory' is not used in the modern sense of the word - it is used for the site which, because of its abundance of flint, was regularly used by the nomadic Palaeoliths to replenish their tools and weapons.

Examples of the Palaeolithic tools may be seen in the museums at Devizes and Swindon.

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Stone tools of the Mezzolithic (Middle Stone Age) period (about 7,000BC to about 5,000BC) have been found in the Coate Water area of Swindon.

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Neolithic (New Stone Age) people spread slowly through Europe from the Middle East and crossed the English Channel into southern Britain about 5,000BC. Over a thousand years, they left abundant traces of their activities throughout Wiltshire and the surrounding counties.

Having discovered agriculture, tilling light soils with hoes, and domesticated animals these were the first Stone Age people to live in permanent settlements. They made their homes mostly on the chalk and limestone uplands. Remains of their settlements have been found at Windmill Hill, along the Ridgeway and on Old Swindon Hill.

Neolithic people had burial grounds such as the causeway Camps, West Kennet Long Barrow and Windmill Hill.

The first burial grounds to be excavated contained only the main bones - skulls, long leg and arm bones - of the body. The Causeway Camps were excavated much later and produced th minor bones such as those of the fingers. This has led to the conclusion that the Neolithic dead were first exposed in the camps and, the bodies decomposed, the principal bones were later conveyed to the ceremonial tombs - first the long and later round barrows.

Wiltshire bears evidence of both inhumation (direct burial) and cremation.

Wiltshire bears a rich abundance of Neolithic monuments, the most famous of which is Stonehenge. No less a megalithic construction, if only for the vast area which it covers, is Avebury Circle.

Perhaps one of the most enigmatic (speculation about its purpose have been recorded since the 14th century) is the huge and artificial mound near Avebury known as Silbury Hill which excavations indicate was built about 2,660 BC - about 1,000 before the construction of Stonehenge and predating the arrival of the Beaker Folk and the Bronze Age.

The county also possesses an abundance of Long and round barrows.

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