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1900.Feb.28Foundation of the British Labour Party as the Labour Representation Committee
Winning two seats in parliament in its first general election
1906Labour candidates fight the Tories without Liberal opposition in a deal with the Liberal Party
Labour gets a substantial number of MPs for the first time, and changes name to the Labour Party
1910.JanGeneral Election: Labour Party secures 505,657 (7.0%) votes, winning 40 seats in parliament
1910.DecGeneral Election: Labour Party secures 371,802 (3.0%) votes, winning 42 seats in parliament
1914Labour Party initialy opposes the Great War
1915Death of Keir Hardie
1916Labour Party joins the coalition government with the first Labour Cabint Ministers appointed
1917Labour Party leaves the coalition - some Cabinet Ministers remain
1918New Labour Party constitution
1918Labour Party performs disappointingly in the first near-universal franchise general election winning only 63 seats
1922Break-up of the Lloyd George coalition: Labour Party becomes the official opposition after the Liberals split between Lloyd George and Asquith
1923.DecStanley Baldwin calls a snap general election
Liberals and Labour make big gains
1924Labour and Liberals defeat the Conservatives on a confidence motion. Labour ministers are appointed with Liberal support
1924Ramsay MacDonald becomes the first Labour Prime Minister
1924.SepAfter a case of seditious libel against a Communist journalist is dropped, Liberal support is withdrawn
The Liberals virtually collapse in the ensuing general election
1926General Strike
1929Labour Party becomes the largest single party in the Commons for the first time
Ramsay MacDonald forms second government
1931Sterling crisis in the summer splits the government
MacDonald forms a coalition with the Conservatives and Liberals - in the election Labour is nearly wiped out
1933Fulham East by-election - Labour candidate on a pacifist ticket wins a stunning victory
1935Labour begins to call for rearmament. Pacifist leader George Lansbury resigns and Clement Attlee elected leader
Labour regains some of its position in the general election
1940Labour joins a coalition
Attlee eventually becomes Deputy Prime Minister
1945Labour Party forms a majority government for the first time
1946Labour government introduces major social reforms, nationalisation and the creation of the NHS (-1948)
1950.Feb.24Labour wins general election by only 13 seats (losing most of its majority), returning Clement Attlee as PM
Labour 315 seats, Conservative 298, Liberals 9
1951Aneurin Bevan and Harold Wilson resign from the Cabinet in protest at imposition of NHS charges
1951General election: Labour loses office despite polling more votes than the Conservatives
1952Left-right struggle in the Labour Party (-1955) between Bevan and the leadership
1955Bevan expelled from the Labour Party
He is readmitted soon after
1955Attlee resigns as leader of the Labour Party after the Conservative majority increases. Gaitskell elected as the new leader
1956Labour oppeses the invasion of Suez
1959.Oct.09General Election: third consecutive Conservative election victory on the back of prosperity, Harold Macmillan becomes PM
Conservatives 365 seats, Labour 258, Liberals 6
1960Death of Bevan
1962Labour begins a run of by-election victories as MacMillan\'s government becomes unpopular
1963Sudden death of Hugh Gaitskill - harold Wilson succeeds him as leader of the Labour Party
1964.Oct.15General Election: Labour by a very narrow majority after 13 years of Conservative rule. Harold Wilson becomes Prime Minister
Labour 317 (+59); Conservative 304 (-61); Liberal 9 (+3); others 0 (-1)
1966.Mar.31General Election: Labour win with a near-100 seat majority through the popularity of Prime Minister Harold Wilson
Labour 364; Conservative 253; Liberal 12; Republican Labour Party 1
1970.Jun.18Recovery of the Labour goverment\\\'s popularity after 3 years of discontent leads PM Wilson to call an election which is unexpectedly won by the Conservatives led by Edward Heath
Conservative 330 (30-seat majority); Labour 288; Liberal 6; Republican Labour Party 1; Scottish National Party 1
Poor economic figures released just before the election tipped the balance decisively towards the Conservatives
1971Harold Wilson reverses the Labour stance and opposes entry into the European Community
69 Labour MPs defy a 3 line whip and vote in favour of entry
1972Resignation of Roy Jenkins, deputy leader of the Labour Party over its stance on the European Community
1973.Dec.09Sunningdale Agreement for power-sharing in Northern Ireland signed by British Prime Minister Edward Heath, Irish premier Liam Cosgrave, and representatives of the Ulster Unionist Party, the Social Democratic and Labour Party and the Alliance Party of Northern Ireland
1974.Feb.28General Election: Heath\'s Conservative government runs into conflict with the National Union of Mineworkers and the PM calls an election resulting in a hung parliament. Labour, led by Wilson, returns after the Liberals refuse to support Heath
Labour 301; Conservative 297; Liberal 14; Scottish National Party 7; Plaid Cymru 2; National Front 1
1974.Oct.11General Election: Harold Wilson\'s minority Labour government returned with majority of only three in the year\'s second election
Labour 319 (majority of 3); Conservative 277; Liberal 13; Scottish national party 11; Plaid Cymru 3
1975Labour PM Harold Wilson allows 7 anti-EC Cabinet Ministers to speak against government policy in the referendum campaign
1976Labour PM Harold Wilson unexpectedly resigns to be succeeded by Foreign Secretary James Callaghan
1978The Labour government\'s 5% pay policy is opposed by the trade unions in what becomes the Winter of Discontent
1979.May.03General Election: Labour loses its commons majority and a vote of confidence. The Conservatives win the election, led by Margaret Thatcher
Conservative 339; Labour 269; Liberal 11; Plaid Cymru 2; Scottish National Party 2
1980.Aug.01David Owen, Shirley Williams and William Rodgers publish open letter in the Guardian advocating a more moderate socialist policy
1980.SepVery left-wing dominated Labour Party Conference with voting supporting withdrawal from the European Community; mandatory re-selection of Parliamentary candidates; widening of the franchise for the election of the Party leadership; unilateral disarmament
1980.Oct.15Resignation of Labour Party leader James Callaghan, succeeded by Micheal Foot
1980.NovMicheal Foot becomes leader of the Labour Party
1981Tony Benn contests the deputy leadership of the Labour Party, losing narrowly
1981.Jan.21Special Labour Party Conference (Wembley)approves electoral college system to elect party leader
The proposal opposed by David Owen, Shirley Williams and Bill Rodgers
1981.Jan.25Four Labour ex-cabinet ministers defect and found the Social Democratic Party
David Owen, Shirley Williams, William Rodgers and Roy Jenkins meet at David Owen\'s house in Limehouse to finalise the drafting of the Limehouse Declaration establishing the Council for Social Democracy
1981.Mar.26Official launch of the Social Democratic Party
1983General Election: The divided Labour Party loses a lot of ground as the Conservatives win a second term under Margaret Thatcher
Conservative 397; Labour 209; Liberal 17; Social Democratic Party 6; Plaid Cymru 2; Scottish National Party 2
1983.Oct.02Neil Kinnock elected leader of the Labour Party with Roy Hattersley as deputy after thge resignation of Micheal Foot
1984Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock refuses to back the National union of Mineworkers in its strike
1985Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock begins to take on the Militant tendency
1985.Nov.27Suspension of Liverpool District Labour Party by the national leadership as Niel Kinnock moves against the Militant Tendency
1986Labour Party launches its red rose image
1987General Election: Despite the modernisation of its image, the Labour Party fails to make much headway in the election and the Conservatives under Margaret thatcher win a third term
Conservative 376; Labour 229; Liberal 22; Social Democratic Party 5
1988Tony Benn challenges Neil Kinnock for leadership of the Labour Party. Kinnock wins overwhelmingly and starts the policy review
1989The Labour Party begins a run of by-election wins
1992.Apr.09General Election: Conservatives under John Major win an unexpected victory
Conservative 336 (majority 21); labour 271; Liberal Democrat 20; Ulster Unionist 9; Plaid Cymru 4; SDLP 4; DUP 3; Scottish Nationalist Party 3; UPU 1
1992.Apr.09+Resignation of Neil Kinnock, succeeded by John Smith as leader of the Labour Party
1993John Smith, Labour Party leader wins over his plans for One Member One Vote elections within the party
1993.Sep.17Derek Beackon beat the Labour Party candidate by seven votes in a by-election to take the first council seat for the British National Party (BNP) in Millwall, East London
1994.MayDeath of John Smith, leader of the Labour Party
1994.JunElections to the European Parliament
Tony Blair elected leader of the Labour Party after good results in the election and announces a plan to change Clause IV of the Party constitution
1995Labour Party leader Tony Blair wins the vote to change Clause IV of the Party constitution
1997.May.01General Election: Labour Party wins by a landslide after 18 years in opposition, Tony Blair becomming Prime Minister
Labour 418; Conservative 165; Liberal Democrat 46; Ulster Unionist 10; Scottish National Party 6; Plaid Cymru 4; SDLP 3; DUP 2; Sinn Fein 2; Independent 1; UKU 1
Tony Blair became Prime Minister at the age of 43 - the youngest Prime Minister since Lord Liverpool in 1812
2001.Jun.07General Election: Labour win a second landslide victory under Tony Blair
Labour 413 (majority of 167); Conservative 166; Liberal Democrat 52; SNP 5; PCymru 4; others 19
2003Labour government proposed to alter the automatic right to trial by jury for certain offences

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