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The Name

The name of the town originates from the Cornish "looe" meaning "pool " - an allusion to the estuary above the bridge which widens and the still waters of the river here.

The Cornish "looe" is similar to the Scottish "loch" and the Welsh "llwch".

The first known documentary mention of east and west Looe dates from 1201.

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A wooden bridge of fifteen arches was built connecting East and West Looe in the early 15th century. For a time, a chapel dedicated to St Anne, mother of the Virgin Mary, stood in the middle of the bridge. This early wooden structure burnt down.

By the late seventeenth century, Looe's old bridge was in a bad state of repair and the town could not afford to do the necessary work. The County Magistrates ordered the cost of the rairs to be paid from the county purse and, in recognition of the event, a granite plaque marks the position of the old bridge in the Fore Street carp park inscribed "REPEARED BY THE COUNTY 1689"

see also:   Museums

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Mining Boom

The increased trade which passed through the harbour meant that quays had to be enlarged to handle the volumes. The foundation stone of a new stone quay was laid by the town's benefactor, John Francis Buller, on June 13th, 1854.

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Liskeard-Looe Union Canal

The six-mile-long Liskeard-Looe Union Canal was opened in 1828.

It was constructed to carry tin and copper ore from the mines and granite from the quarries of Caradon Hill to the north of Liskeard to Looe where they could be loaded aboard ships for export and to supply the mines and quarries with much needed coal from South Wales.

The canal also carried other goods between the port and Liskeard including manufactured goods, lime to to improve farmland, sea sand to lighten help break up heavy soils, crushed bones for fertilizer and agricultural produce.

At one time it was reckoned that no less than half of the world's copper production passed down the canal and through the port at Looe.

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Poor Laws

In 1837, both East and West Looe became part of the Liskeard Poor Law Union.

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John Francis Buller   of Morval, benefactor of Looe. His name is perpetuated in the names of Buller Quay and the Buller's Arms. The ornamental trees along the riverbank were planted in his honour.

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Please note that the following items occur in reverse chronological order;-

  "Leaving St Keyne's Well, and passing down into the lower part of the valley the road comes suddenly upon the Looe River, which flows through a narrow but very beautiful defile, well wooded and abounding in picturesque sites. The hills look into the recesses of the vales, � a continual change of scene. All around is verdant and fertile, abrupt eminencies are crowned with tufted groves; corn fields wave; and the beautiful cattle to the sister county are seen browsing, at times almost unheard. The river flows along, clear as amber, around rocks, knolls and cottages, looking like peace itself. A narrow canal from Liskeard to Looe, runs, in some places, parallel with the river, but owing to the nature of the ground, in no way deforms the landscape by its stiffness. We have never seen a sweeter vale; all so much in miniature, so snug and narrow and over varying. About 2 miles above Looe this beautiful valley expands into a fine estuary, presenting no outlet, fringed with woods, clothing lofty promontories, the water putting on the appearance of a lake. The southern termination of this estuary is in the sea, which is concealed by a stupendous hill; near the foot of which are the towns of East and West Looe, which are behind the fine old bridge, of which the following is a representation.
  East and West Looe are small towns, consisting of a few narrow streets or rather alleys. In East Looe stands a little chapel, with a low embattled tower, not far from the entrance into the river seawards. There is a small breastwork at the mouth of the port which has several times been injured by the waves, and this alone protects the town from their fury. Vessels of considerable tonnage may enter, but they must be able to take the ground, for at low water the harbour is almost dry. West Looe is at the base of a very lofty hill, over which, until the new road was made, the only outlet westward was almost inaccessible, from its steepness. New roads have been made in other directions and these picturesque towns are now easily accessible from Torpoint, Liskeard and Fowey. They lie as if at the bottom of a huge punchbowl. Gardens and cottages line the hillsides, filled with shrubs, flowers, fruit trees, literally "hanging gardens". Here myrtles bloom and geraniums exude their fragrance throughout the year all is romantic and striking to the stranger. West Looe is situated in the parish of Talland, East Looe is in that of St Martin. Some little distance from the mouth of the harbour is Looe Island, on which stood a chapel dedicated to St George. It is covered with grass and only inhabited by rabbits and is the property of the Trelawney family.
  The parish church of St Martin, having some remains of Saxon architecture, is about a mile and a half north-east of East Looe.

  -   Cyrus Redding, An Illustrated Itinerary Of
The County Of Cornwall, 1842

I must not forget to mention Looe bridge as a very agreeable walk in a summer evening, for a current of fine refreshing air is always passing up or down the river: and the scenery, beautifully reflected in the twighlight or moonlight, is truly fine. I have been told that in calm evenings a horse passing over Looe bridge is distinctly heard at Sandplace, 2 miles up river. Probably, however, the tide must be in at the time. Strangers are generally struck with the idea that the Looes must be uncomfortably warm in summer being so pent up with hills, but this is a great mistake, for owing to the flux and reflux with the tides and the form of the valleys, a fine refreshing air, even in the calmest weather, is constantly passing up and down the river, and consequently must ventilate the towns.
  -   Thomas Bond, 1823.

East and West Low are two borowe townes united and knitt together with a fayre long arched stone bridge, to which tounes belongeth a prettie little harbour of the south sea. These townes take name of the river running between them, the banks, which are very high above the currante of the water � the most commodious fishe and richeste fishinge is of the leaste fish, which is called a pilcharde: the commoditie that ariseth of this sill small fishe is wonderful.
  -   John Norden, Surveyor of the Duchy of Cornwall, 17th century.

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1836Rich deposits of copper, tin and lead found at Caradon Hill near Liskeard in Cornwall

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