TOILET FLUSHING can account for up to 25% (a quarter) of all the water used in the home.
Older toilet cisterns can use as much as 9 litres of clean water every flush. This can be reduced
by placing a "save-a-flush" or "hippo" in the cistern.
These devices work by preventing the cistern filling to its full capacity - a ready way of achieving this is to insert a clean brick into the cistern.
Cotton wool and tissues should be put in a waste bin rather than flushed down the toilet.
HALF LOAD PROGRAMMES on washing machines and dishwashers use well over half of not only the water but also the energy of a full load - wait until you have a full load.
A SHOWER of about five minutes uses about a third of the water required to fill a bath but a power showers can use more than a bathfull of water in less than 5 minutes.
Bath water can be used for watering the garden.
RUNNING TAPS while brushing teeth, washing hands or shaving wastes up to 5 litres (a bucket) of water per minute.
DRIPPING TAPS can waste up to 4 litres of water a day. In a year this amounts to about a ton-and-a-half of water. Replacing worn tap washers is a quick and cheap way of saving water.
Using the minimum amount of water required in kettles and saucepans saves energy as well as water.
A bottle or jug of water kept in the fridge rather than running taps until the water is cold saves water.
Fruit and vegetables can be washed in a bowl rather than under a running tap to save water. The waste water can be used to water house plants.
As well as wasting water, BURST PIPES can cause serious damage to your home. Ensure your water pipes and external taps are lagged well before the onset of the cold winter weather when they might freeze.
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