Are parish churches are consecrated for the worship of God. In many cases their sites, if not the buildings we now
see themselves, have been used for this purpose for over a thousand years and, often enough, before the re-introduction
of Christianity after the departure of the Roman legions in 410AD, their sites have been places of worship for
Saxons and maybe into Bronze Age times. But our parish churches are also treasuries of our culture, history and heritage. If this is true of any parish church, how much more so must it be true of our parish churches collectively! It has been said that were all our books and other records destroyed, the major events of the history of our Islands could be recovered from the Parish Registers and Churchwardens' Accounts. This is also true of the fabric of the buildings themselves, their contents and their precincts. Just consider the guide to your parish church, and those in neighbouring parish, the wealth of information contained in thier guides. Consider the great treasure which is in our possession, is within our grasp, if ALL the guides to ALL the parish churches could be gathered in one place, and the information contained in them furnished in one set of volumes. Such a task would be very ambitionous indeed. Ambitious beyond the dreams of the publishers of this site. Yet, much can be done towards this end and, we hope, where we have shown the way, others might follow. It is to this end that this document is published, a 'template' within which we will, wherever possible, describe each parish church which appears on this site. As with all matters pertaining to this site, your comments, criticisms and suggestions on this template will be most warmly welcomed. LOCATION A location map or a link to such, particularly where the church itself might be difficult to find. PICTURE A picture of the exterior of the church. DEDICATION Particularly where this is unusual and could benefit from the explanation. HISTORY ARCHITECTURE STAINED GLASS BELLS (if any) FONT MONUMENTS Hatchments & Other Arms ORGAN CHURCH PLATE ROYAL ARMS SCRATCH DIALS CONSECRATION MARKS OTHER FITTINGS & FURNITURE CHURCHYARD LIST OF INCUMBENTS PARISH RECORDS SUNDRIES CHURCH GUIDE EVENTS PICTURE GALLERY SERVICES USEFUL LINKS BIBLIOGRAPHY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
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