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Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Chancellor.

It has been suggested that John was Sir Humphrey's illigitimate son, but this is not known for certain.

Stafford was brought up at Southwick Court in Wiltshire, a moated manor house which still stands (in private ownership). His father was Sir humphrey Stafford, a 'Knight of the Shire ' (related to other branches of the Stafford family who later became Earls of devon and Dukes of Buckingham) and his mother, Lady Emma.

Stafford graduated as a Doctor of Law at Oxford University in 1413 and shortly afterwards was ordained into the priesthood. It was only six years later that the young John Stafford was promoted to Archdeacon of Salisbury - his promotion was very rapid as this is the minimum period which must elapse before a priest can be appointed archdeacon.

Like many capable men of his period, Stafford combined his career in the Church with secular office. He was Lord of Council which ruled England during the minority of the young King Henry VI and was appointed chancellor in 1432.

It was at about this time, with the monarch falling towards insanity, that factions were aligning for that long series of conflicts which would later be know as the Wars of the Roses. Stafford was regarded as a cautious administrator and must have been a steadying influence in such troubled times. As chancellor, he was the first to be styled 'Lord Chancellor '.

As a cleric, he became Bishop of bath and Wells in 1425 and Archbishop of Canterbury in 1443. There was religious as well as political turmoil in the country as the Lollards, forerunners of the Reformation, were raising their voices against Pope and clergy. As Archbishop, Stafford was required to deal with the Lollards but, while he upheld the Church's position, he would not allow persecution.

John Stafford died on May 25th, 1452, and is buried in Canterbury Cathedral.

As a boy, John Stafford would have walked to the Parish Church of St Nicholas in North Bradley to attend mass - The Parish Church of St Thomas would not be buit at Southwick for another 500 years.

Despite his high office, John Stafford retained his links with the village of his birth. His mother, Lady Emma, joined him at canterbury to become a nun at the Priory of the Holy trinity there. It was at the Priory that she died in 1446.

He arranged for her body to be brought back to North Bradley and interred in the Stafford Chapel (where her tomb is in the window recess).

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